Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change Project in Western Kenya
October 2018 - September 2020

The SRCC Project was a 23-month intervention in 12 wards of Migori, Trans Nzoia, and Siaya counties (four wards in each county).
The project was one of climate governance interventions funded by DFID under the Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP) supporting the third component of climate change governance.
Broadly, the project was designed to contribute to climate resilience building in the three counties, and specifically to respond to the demands of the Kenya Climate Change Act 2016. This law requires county governments to develop a comprehensive climate governance framework for enhanced climate action.
The project built on best practices and lessons learned through other CARE Kenya and partner projects, such as the DFID-funded Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP), and Adaptation (ADA) Consortium’s County Climate Change Fund Mechanisms (CCCF).
In addition, the project built on best practices of the Weather Information Services (WISER I) Project that Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) and CARE Kenya implemented in Siaya, Migori and Trans Nzoia counties in 2016.
The SRCC Project’s Theory of Change held that: If County governments develop and establish sustainable climate change governance structures, policy environment and climate financing mechanisms; ensure inclusion and participation of organized community groups, public and private partnerships and coalitions that advocate for social change and accountability, then communities in Western Kenya will build resilience to climate change.
The pathways assume that there will be county political goodwill to prioritize and allocate resources required to implement the plans and policies, and also to establish governance institutions, structures and climate change fund.

LREB Counties and communities with the capacity to absorb and adapt to climate shocks and manage growing risks.

Support and build county government capacity to develop climate change policies and plans

Coordinate partnerships and coalitions to effectively influence climate change and resilience transformation and accountability at the county level.

Establishment of effective MEAL system to respond and contribute to national climate governance initiatives and work of other relevant actors.

Responsive, effective and accountable climate change governance framework and systems established and operational at the county level in LREB.

Support County governments to establish Institutions for climate change governance at county, ward and community levels.

Support the establishment and operationalization of County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) mechanisms
Target Group
The major target groups were County government institutions and local communities of Siaya, Migori and Trans Nzoia counties:
173,358 direct project participants
359,492 indirect project participants
Other target groups were civil society organizations (CSOs), private sector actors, community-based organizations (CBOs), research/academic bodies, and climate change activists and practitioners in the three counties. The project brought the target groups together in workshops to develop County Climate Change Policy (in Siaya and Trans Nzoia counties). It sensitized them on guidelines for the formation of Climate Change Councils, climate change coalitions, and other governance structures at the county and community levels.
The project implemented "software" activities organized under four main strategies: capacity building; establishment of governance structures, policies, and mechanisms; community mobilization and sensitization; and the establishment and implementation of an adaptive monitoring evaluation, accountability and learning system.
CARE Kenya implemented the project directly relying on the participatory mapping of climate change stakeholders, community score card, and social analysis and action approaches to address climate change governance challenges that existed in the three counties.
Key Project Achievements
2 county (Siaya and Transnzoia) Climate change policy developed and approved by the executive
Climate services information plans produced for 3 Counties (Migori, Siaya and Transnzoia)
Establishment of climate change units in Migori & Siaya Counties
County executive & assembly sensitization Sessions on climate change policy in the three counties
3 CSOs Coalitions established in the three counties and trained on climate change governance
Formation of 12 Ward Climate change Councils in the three counties and trained on Climate change governance
Established 3 County Climate change Councils
Climate change stakeholders mapping conducted across the three counties
Dissemination of project documents and reports
Capacity building of County assembly members (training on County Climate Change Fund (CCCF), Planning and budgeting)
Supported establishment of County Climate Change Fund mechanism (CCCF) in the three Counties