Emergency Aid and
Humanitarian Assistance
Kenya’s emergency and humanitarian assistance program provides crucial support to communities affected by droughts, floods and other related emergencies in affected counties. Through the Refugee Assistance Program (RAP), under the mandate of UNHCR, CARE works in partnership with other agencies to provide relief and development assistance to refugees within the Dadaab region for over 25 years.
Using UNHCR’s Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) for implementation
Adhering to internationally recognised sphere minimum standards
Adhering to core Humanitarian Principles and Standards to deliver high quality and accountable programs
Introduction of food vouchers as an alternative modality of offering food assistance to refugees.
Key Programme Achievements
Partnering with community based organizations, the county government and other partners working in the disaster areas. This helps in multiplier effects as more people are reached with core relief items and other emergency response interventions.
Anchoring emergency response to ongoing CARE programs. This has ensured sustainability of the response during recovery and post recovery phase.
Active participation in government coordination mechanisms. ​
Provide humanitarian support (WASH interventions, food distribution, logistics and shelter) for the refugees in Dadaab by enhancing self-reliance and resilience.
Use of solar energy to power bore hole WASH operations as opposed to traditional diesel driven pumps.